Tuition Information
Tiny Seeds Forest School very closely follows the LTUSD elementary school year calendar.
Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is priced per session.
Our program has a Fall, Spring, and Winter Sessions.
Every seasonal session, or trimester, meets for 12 weeks total.
Tuition for each trimester can be paid in full at the beginning of each trimester, or can be paid in monthly payments throughout it.
For tuition paid on a monthly basis, the initial payment for the given trimester is due before its first meeting date.
Every monthly payment thereafter is due during a payment window from the 5th to the 15th of each month.
The amount billed per trimester is not subject to deductions for holidays, closures, or absences.
2024-2025 Tuition per 12 Week Session
DAYS per WEEK Tuition
5……………$3,360 ($1,120 per month)
4………………$2,688 ($896 per month)
3………………$2,016 ($672 per month)
2………………$1,344 ($448 per month)
The price of tuition breaks down to an average of $56 per day for our 4 hour program, which further breaks down to $14 per hour of child care.