Youth Nature Connection is an outdoor enrichment program for students ages 5-8 years old, located in South Lake Tahoe, CA on Washoe territory.

YNC’s meets during our Fall & Spring trimesters.

YNC meets

Thursdays from 3:15 PM to 5:15 PM, and will maintain 1:8 teacher to student ratio.

The 2024 Fall Session will run for 8 weeks on Thursdays, from September 19th through November 14th. YNC will not meet Thursday, October 31st 2024.

The cost of the program is $20 a day for each 2 hour session.

Youth Nature Connection sees nature as our greatest teacher, and seeks to hold space for each child to learn about the land that they live on as they form deep connections with it. The program has a strong focus in wilderness awareness and place-based education.

We seek to cultivate confidence, resiliency, and self-esteem in each of our students through inspired hands-on experiences in the best classroom of all, the great outdoors.